
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Friends Forever

I have finally begun framing  the wedding photos. 
These two lovely ladies have been my friends since childhood.   We had countless sleepovers, double dates, and lake days growing up together.  We were bridesmaids in each other's weddings. I can see their younger selves in the faces of their children.I am so very grateful for these two women, for their strength, their support, their loyalty, their love, their laughter.... 
I think friends are an essential ingredient for happiness, and there is something very special about the women we have known for a lifetime.  I am so blessed to have grown up with these two pretty young things.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Soul Work

I have a never ending project that I bought on line from Ehrman Tapestry.  It is six pieces depicting The Creation from the Book of Genesis.   I think eventually (like in 20 years)  they will be six chair pads for some antique  french country chairs I have in my kitchen.
Here is the first one...when God created day and night.  Big T thinks this looks like someone's psychedelic trip.
Fourth day...when God created the stars, sun and moon.  I am not sure how I got out of order....
Back on track with the second day when God created the sky.  I like having a project that I can easily pick up and put down.  I have been working on this a lot lately as I watch the Royals keep winning!  

 I hope that someday my kids will cherish my handwork as much as I do theirs.

Friday, October 23, 2015


B is home for fall break this week, so C flew home to spend some time with her.  I love watching my girls together.  I am so grateful that they have each other.  
I know a little bit about what a sister will do for you when times are tough....they are one of the greatest blessings of my life.
 Plus this party of five can make me laugh like no one else can. 
So while we did a little damage (sorry Big T) on the Plaza this week, I reminded myself to treasure this time and to be thankful for my girls.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Thank You

M and I headed up to ND this past weekend to bring B home for fall break.
We also did a little tailgating with family and friends and watched ND beat USC (always a good thing!)  But lest you think that all I do is eat, drink, and watch football on the weekends...
 My dear friend, Karen, and I went to "Saturdays with the Saints" on campus after setting up our tailgate.  We both loved it.  We both were inspired.  John Cavadini, who is one of the best theologians of our time (and I am not just saying that because he and his wife, Nancy, are friends), gave an inspiring lecture on The Confessions of St Augustine.  He talked, in a very engaging  and super cerebral way (requiring concentration of every brain cell I have left), of St Augustine's idea that the purpose of life is to give thanks to God.  
I have so very much to be thankful for....don't we all?

Monday, October 19, 2015

Beautiful skies

I had a great time with M at Benedictine's family weekend.  
We tailgated with all his friends and their families and then cheered the Raven's on to victory.  
Then M and I headed to the Hereford House for a tasty steak---we are in Kansas after all.  Look at that sky---the beauty of this earth is a daily gift!
I had breakfast with M's roommates the next morning at the Avalon Cafe in Weston ( Their Sunday brunch is amazing) where I heard all about the studying they would be doing the rest of the day for their midterms....
M texted me this photo later that night.   Good grief.  I cannot believe I am admitting this...but I am actually glad I did not know this ahead of time.  There is, after all, a reason they go AWAY to college.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Scottsdale with C

Big T and I have spent the past few
 days relaxing in sunny Arizona with our older daughter C. 

Scottsdale was having record breaking temps, so C and I escaped to the spa. 

The excellent shopping in Scottsdale is another great way to beat the heat.  Big T lasted about 30 minutes.....

Big T is all about the food when we travel and he always plans a nice variety of gastro-experiences. The tasty Mexican cuisine and refreshing Margaritas at Mission in Old Scottsdale get my top vote.   (And how amazing is it that I can actually eat guac again?  Hallelujah! Amen.)

 Of course, Big T's fav was Dominic's Steakhouse.
C's number one was Eddy V's---great live music and delicious seafood. Stellar wine at both places, by the way.....

But my very favorite part of this trip was C.  I know my girl has to live her own life, and I am so proud of the fine young woman she has become....but I miss my sweet baby!!  What a treat  it was to spend a few days with her!  143C.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Today I had my semi-annual blood work and oncologist visit.  While I am grateful for my wonderful healthcare that  monitors me so closely, it still makes me anxious when I have to get checked.  I worry that they will tell me that the cancer has come back.  It is during this time that I ask my friends and family to pray for me.  I think that prayers send some positive energy into the universe that helps me to stay  peaceful.  I can feel it.  It is as if I am protected in bubble wrap against negative emotions, and I float on a cloud of prayers.  I don't know how it works, I just know that it does work.  This is something that cancer has taught me.  This is something that cancer has given me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Napa and Sonoma with Big T

  I just returned from traveling around Napa and Sonoma with Big T.  Friends, this is the first non-work trip that we have taken, just the two of us, since having kids.  We had a blast. I could not drink as much as I used to, and I could not eat as much as I wanted to, but I enjoyed every sip and bite. 

My favorite winery was Spotswoode.  Beth Novak Milliken gave us a private tour. First stop was their beautiful home.  I want to live here.  In 1972 the Novak family moved to the estate from Southern California, where her dad was a physician. A few years later he died suddenly and her mom, Mary, took over growing the grapes while raising their five children.  In 1982 she began making wine.  Can you imagine?  The 
faith, courage and determination that Mary had!  

This is the view of their vineyard from their backyard.  Not bad.  

Beth showed us all around the vineyard and winery and of course we enjoyed the tasting!  Big T ordered quite a bit of this fine wine for his cellar.

We stayed at Meadowood Lodge.  It was lovely.  I whole heartedly recommend it!  

And not just because they leave these in the rooms every day.

Sweetie Pies was amazing.  Big T had a red velvet moon pie that was out of this world.
If you love macarons as much as I do, you will want to hit the Bouchon Bakery.  Absolute heaven.

The french bistro, Bouchon, was delicious as well.  Thomas Keller, of The French Laundry fame, definitely knows what he is doing.  But my favorite of his restaurants is Ad  Hoc...super relaxed and delish.  
One set menu each great meal...  comfort food served family style...Big T and I loved it.  It was so good, I didn't even think to take a photo.  I was too busy eating.

We went to mass at a little church in the valley where it was our privilege to pray with many hardworking farmers.  Of course
I loved their statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe!  

The highlight of my trip was meeting up with one of my college roommates who lives in the Bay area and is a fellow survivor.  I am so thankful that we are both cancer free....even if she looks ten years younger than me!  Life is good.  I am starting to dig empty nest-hood.