
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Pickles on the Peninsula

Small family farms cover the Leelanau Peninsula.

Farmstands, operating on the honor system, are along the sides of most roads.

This is my neighbor's stand.  Everything is super fresh and delish....I stop a lot.  

Big T, who is always watching his lineman figure, loves my homemade pickles.  Really-- once you taste the homemade version, you can never go back.  I like to make them with regular cucumbers that my neighbors grow.

This super easy recipe came from my Aunt Jo.

5 to 7 cucumbers, sliced
1 sweet onion, sliced
4 cups sugar
4 cups vinegar
1/3 cup canning and pickling salt
2 tsp turmeric
2 tsp celery seed
2 tsp mustard seed

Heat all but the cucumbers and the onion over low heat until the salt and the sugar have dissolved.
Place sliced onion and cucumbers in jars.  Pour prepared liquid over them.  I told you it is easy. I have Big T convinced that this takes me all day. They last 6 months in the fridge...but they will be gone long before then.

1 comment:

  1. So easy even I can do it (and I think I will ;). Thank you Molly!
