
Monday, November 9, 2015

Fearless Flying

I spent the last few days in Minneapolis and St Paul with some very dear friends.
Love these women.
Laughed till we cried.
Twin Cities were gorgeous.
Weather was perfect.
Best therapy ever.
Mall of America still there.
Enough on that....
Friends, I really want to focus on how I got to Minneapolis from KC.  This trip is only about a 6 hour drive....nevertheless, I FLEW.  This is very exciting for me, because I have been struggling with an irrational fear of flying for the last decade (due to a bad flight from Amsterdam to Detroit where, in my mind, I almost died).  I (reluctantly) fly all the time...but when I have the opportunity to drive my big Expedition somewhere instead of getting on a Southwest flight, I used to ALWAYS take the driving option.
But thanks to this incredible flight therapist (who then became my cancer therapist) I now would prefer to FLY (which we all know is a much safer option).  No more pre-flight anxiety---I now sleep like a baby the night(s) before a flight.   No more going to confession before getting on a plane (just in case it goes down) because it isn't going down.
In his book, "Nerve", Taylor Clark does a great job of explaining why it is important to face your fears and not let them beat you. While I must admit I still HATE turbulence, thanks to my work with my flight therapist, I now know that "turbulence is uncomfortable but not dangerous".  I have learned a lot of tricks to get me through those trips when the flight attendants are not allowed to get out of their seats due to weather.  If you are in the 25% of the population that hates to fly....I hope this has inspired you.  Life is too short to be afraid.

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